Paul Price, founder and principal
Paul’s passion is working with people, helping them to succeed in business and to thrive personally and professionally. Along with a masters in management and personal coaching, Paul is a chartered accountant with further qualifications in leadership, digital marketing, strategy, corporate finance, group facilitation and in writing. He is certified with the British Psychological Society to use occupational and personality tests and is a certified CBT practitioner.
Paul’s coaching is informed by over thirty years of management and business development experience gained at best-practice multinationals such as Tetra Pak, Coca Cola, BAT, and BDO, and in three countries. Paul has led major change initiatives and has managed large teams in roles spanning from department head to managing director. He has also been director on the Boards of Directors of seven companies and has chaired three.
Since 1998, initially as a venture capitalist and later as an investor/entrepreneur, and as a business mentor and coach, his work has focused primarily on helping entrepreneurs launch their start-ups, and on helping early stage businesses grow to maturity.
Paul’s work with entrepreneurs is grounded by a decade of experience in venture capital. Initially working as an investment manager and later as managing director of an investment fund with US$ 0.5 billion under management in direct equity investments. Paul has led significant investments in retail, hospitality, in manufacturing and in the banking sectors, closely supporting management teams in both independent and proprietary ventures from start-up through to growth stage when the investments were successfully exited.
Careers: in recent years, Paul’s focus has expanded to working with career development. He has coached clients through major career change, including clients transitioning from corporate roles to entrepreneurship. The theme of Paul’s master thesis was: ‘Changing Careers, and Adult Life Transitions.’
Other Resources
Dynamic Connections maintains contact with vouched specialists in the areas of group process consulting and team coaching facilitation.
Ethical considerations: Paul adheres to the Code of Ethics of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council, and is committed to continued supervision and professional development.
Coaching approach
My experience of working with professional managers and with owner-managers alike has been that many of the difficulties they face in their functional roles and in their businesses are in fact rooted in personal issues. Collaborating in tackling not only strategy and commercial issues but also relational and cultural issues has been key to my/their success over the years.
The emotional content of business decisions and its impact on the effectiveness of execution and team performance has been a key area of my learning focus in recent years. This also informs my coaching, which is primarily solution-focused, but also integrates psychodynamic and other relevant models to best effect.